Homestory – Die Wohnung einer kreativen Garten- und Wohnjournalistin

Juni, 27, 2014
The next premiere on my blog – my first home story photographed by myself! And I’m very proud that it is about a really outstanding home, namely the apartment of my dear friend Ruth Wegerer.
Ruth is a multitalented woman – garden and interior journalist (currently she writes for Servus Magazin), founder of garden club Acanthus and craftswoman. She makes stunning objects from wire, magical fairies and enchanting jewelry. Moreover, she has a green thumb like no other!

In her apartment with fantastic wooden floors in a building from 1906 in the 15th district of Vienna, Ruth combines all these characteristics and talents. So her home gets a distinctive style! Every single room is full of unique things, personal items and ideas, it’s a green jungle where curiosities meet antiques. This apartment bubbles over with creativity!

To see more of Ruth’s work visit her website:


  1. Antworten

    Die Gute Güte

    27. Juni 2014

    Hallo Karina,

    jetzt muss ich mich auch mal zu Wort melden und trau mich einfach mal auf Deutsch zu schreiben: Ich steh total auf deinen Blog, die schönen Fotos und den schönen Stil. Gratuliere!

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Antworten


    27. Juni 2014

    Liebe Caro,

    herzlichen Dank für das Kompliment! Das freut mich sehr, sehr, sehr! :)

    Liebe Grüße

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