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birth announcement cards

These are the birth announcement cards I’ve designed for Gregor’s birth.
Thanks to my dear friend Petra from Die Gestaltung for the preparation of the print data!

copyright | littletownlifeblog.com

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Already one month ago our son Gregor has arrived! I have no words for this miracle, we are just head over heals in love with him and so thankful that he is healthy and…

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1st of December

The best time of the year starts today… Now I’m just waiting for snow and my baby!Have a wonderful Christmas season!copper diamonds | Louise Roegreen vase | Kählerbig glass bottle | House Doctorcopper candle…

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ready for the baby

Only 13 days left until expected date of delivery! Happy, that after 7 weeks of bed rest I still found some time to finish the baby corner…grey cushion | Hayelephant cushion | Mini Empirestring…

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an electrifying concept store – Volta

An insiders‘ tip for all fans of midcentury style and contemporary and minimalist interior design is Volta, a new shop in the 9th district of Vienna. The shop is rather small but you can get lost…

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gift wrapping with rose hips

Here comes just a quick idea for gift wrapping with rose hips and kraft paper… Autumnally elegant!copper yarn | Garn & mehr

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pure beauty

A simple dahlia from my mum’s garden in my favourite vase.vase | feinedinge*


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